
1, 4, 15, 20

Classes are geared towards dancers of all levels (16+), unless otherwise noted. A general awareness of your body in space and movement training of some kind is required.

Venmo or to register.

$15-$35 sliding scale. Venmo @bodysonnet_ or bring cash :)

Joe Goode Annex

401 Alabama St, San Francisco, CA 94110, United States

OTHER/self series

Classes with the cast of BODYSONNET’s Bay Area production. See the show August 22-24 at CounterPulse.

Thursday August 1 10am-12pm Hadassah Perry

Sunday August 4 11am-1pm Moscelyne ParkeHarrison

Thursday August 15 10am-12pm Babatunji

Tuesday August 20 10am-12pm Mio Ishikawa

  • Hadassah Perry

    August 1, 10am-12pm

    all levels 16+

    This workshop is open to any body that is wanting to move, share space, embody, and imagine. We will warm up our imagination and body through improvisation and listening to our bodies. In the workshop, we will pass in and out of the floor with material that can be changed, edited, and altered to one's own body. I hope that this workshop will brighten up your day by connecting to your body, sharing space with others, and listening to your imagination.

  • Moscelyne ParkeHarrison

    August 4, 11am-1pm

    all levels 16+

    This contemporary dance class is rooted in release, texture, and groove. The class incorporates a follow along rhythm based warm up, across the floor work, and choreography to end. Participants can expect improvisation exercises, light floorwork, and satisfying, high energy movement sequences that build throughout class. The objective of this class is to give participants a well-rounded experience of contemporary dance technique, as well as cultivate artistry through interpretation of choreography.

  • Babatunji

    August 15, 10am-12pm

    beginner/intermediate 16+

    This class will provide an approachable method to integrating braking techniques into your contemporary dance practice. Participants will learn floor work built from the movement principles of Breaking. Complex movements will be scaled down to their simplest forms in order to teach even the most inexperienced of movers how to safely progress into larger and more daring movements.

  • Mio Ishikawa

    August 20, 10am-12pm

    all levels 16+

    I invite us to be affected by the space and people we share, as well as the memories that echo in ourselves. We will explore various designs that our body can shape through different modalities. Within the plays, we will find and float between one state to the other, going through different textures to awaken our nervous system, flesh and muscles. There will also be technical elements that we use to practice the articulation of our movement. I ask for open minds ready to receive and explore. I aim to hold a safe space for our creativity, curiosity and playfulness to blossom.



BODYSONNETSessions is a series of open studios with creatives we admire. This is a platform for BODYSONNET to support past, present, and future collaborators with a space for them to share their work and practice.

Sessions is the newest program of BODYSONNET’s community engagement activities, following BODYTALK, BODYJAM and Company Class, our live and virtual programs. BODYSONNET continues our mission of dance local by assessing the needs of the dance community in 2023. We’re excited to launch this platform for creatives to share their research, solicit feedback, and build a network of support for future developments of their work. We look forward to igniting these micro-collaborations through BODYSONNETSessions.

Want to get involved with Sessions?

Email us with interest / in - kind offers

